William Watson a black soldier who is looking for the family he lost a year ago. But what really struck me was that he couldn't show the exact age of his children. In ads, watson refers to two children, George, 9 or 10 years old and Jane, 4 or 5 years old. Another part of the story is typical of many black men at the end of civil war. As i can guess from the ad, William Watson and his family are in a host and live in louisiana. After the civil war began, Watson fled his master and became a soldier of the 79, Louisiana colored infantry.When the war ended, some family moved to Kentucky and lost their connection between them. Even before the civil war began, some black men found the chance to flee their master because of cruelty and injustice.That time, conflict between a new capitalism in the north and the slavery - the owners of the southern plantations grew rapidly and their owners were one of the victims. The description, the life of siblings to two different paths. William Davis' life from slavery became his own business owner and for mary, she was bought by a rich woman to become servants and when her maid died, she inherited a large sum of money. Mary may have been stripped of her privileges, but i finally thought she deserved the money given to her though no one had to become slave.
If you were Mary, why you'd like to become a servant or live a freedom life?